Security Information Event Management (SIEM): Vendor Landscape
As the information security market evolves and cyber-criminals become increasingly sophisticated, capabilities that were once cutting edge become outdated and new functionality is required to keep pace. In this whitepaper Info-Tech Research Group outlines their comprehensive look at the Security Information & Event Management (SIEM) market and the key vendors within it. They begin by defining the SIEM market, where it is going and the Table Stakes that every solution should have. Info-Tech Research Group then evaluates and ranks ten competitors in the SIEM market via their comprehensive advanced features scoring methodology, as well as product and vendor evaluation criteria. Understand your organization's requirements for Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) to ensure product selection satisfies company goals.
This white paper provides:
- Detailed SIEM criteria & evaluation factors;
- Overview of the SIEM Vendor Landscape including analysis of vendors and their offerings to best identify which aligns with your organization's needs;
- Shortlist of SIEM vendors.