"Today's risk management professionals really need to take a strategic view of managing risk to be relevant in achieving the organization's expected outcome," says Philip Alexander of Wells Fargo Bank.
This piece summarizes the key elements of the three major releases by the FFIEC related to online authentication: The original 2005 authentication guidance, 2006 FAQs and the 2010 draft supplement.
In case you weren't one of the more than 31,000 who attended this year's Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society Conference in Orlando, here's a rundown of some of the privacy and security news from the show.
"We want to know what the FFIEC guidelines actually mean and who is responsible for enforcing audits and compliance," says fraud victim Jim Payne, owner of Choice Escrow.
Though the E-Government Act assigns primary responsibility for IT security to agency CIOs, the Cybersecurity and Internet Freedom Act, introduced last week in the Senate, delineates responsibilities for CISOs.
Once a CEO understands the value and risks catered through mobile functionality, it is easier to discuss mobile innovations, policy and how the company can then strike a balance to meet customer and employee requirements.
A preliminary draft of new online authentication guidance from the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council puts greater responsibility on the shoulders of financial institutions to enhance security.
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